The California Department of Public Health has the following requirements in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in large indoor mega events.
Our event has been declared a mega event by the State of California.
Everyone over the age of 2 years must show proof of full vaccination ( either 2 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.)
OR one dose of Johnson and Johnson.
For those who cannot provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination status will require a negative COVID-19 test within 1 day for an antigen test and 2 days for a PCR test prior to entry into an event. HOME TESTING IS NOT VALID. TESTING MUST BE THROUGH A PROPER LAB THAT TESTS FOR COVID.
This means you need to be fully vaccinated or require a negative COVID-19 test within 1 day for an antigen test and 2 days for a PCR test prior to entry into an event. COVID RULES ARE SUBJECT. TO CHANGE.
All attendees must also show a photo ID with the same name on their vaccine card or test before entering the show.
Proof of vaccination includes the following:
Original vaccination card
Photocopy of vaccination card (Front and Back)
Photo of vaccination card on phone (Front and Back)
All attendees & exhibitors must wear a proper face mask that fully covers your nose & mouth inside the show at all times. No Bandanas or Gaiters.